In 2023, Aspiration donated $283,673 to non-profits! We continue to be blown away by the Aspiration community’s impact on the world, and in the spirit of trust and transparency, we want to share the details of that impact with you all.

Aspiration works differently than most other financial institutions in a number of ways. One of those ways is our Pay What is Fair (PWIF) program. In case you need a refresher, PWIF allows you to set what your monthly contribution is for using Aspiration’s Spend & Save or Redwood Investment Fund, even if that number is $0.


We hope that you find enough value in our services to contribute more than $0, and whatever you do choose, we pledge to donate 10% of PWIF contributions to our amazing and carefully-selected non-profit partners.

In 2023, we're proud to have supported the Eden Reforestation Projects through the PWIF program. In total, we donated $283,673 to Eden to support the amazing work they do, which involves  reforesting natural landscapes destroyed by deforestation in developing countries.

In previous years, our PWIF program has supported organizations like SeaTrees and Rainforest Connection. SeaTrees is a non-profit organization that protects and regenerates blue carbon coastal ecosystems, while Rainforest Connection aids in the prevention of illegal deforestation and animal poaching. Our investments in these organizations have contributed towards tackling some of the planet's most pressing environmental issues, and we're proud of the impact we've been able to help achieve.

Looking forward

Giving back and making a positive impact in the world is a part of Aspiration’s DNA, and we are excited to support new and existing partners in the future.

As we close out 2023, we want to thank our customers for their ongoing support. Everything we accomplish is because of the trust you have put in us, and your belief in the mission we stand for; fighting climate change through the power of finance. We're excited about the future of this program and, with your support, we'll continue to achieve even more in the coming years.

Have a suggestion for other non-profits we should support? Let us know on social, or email us at!

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